Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

(3. Instructional media in teaching) 1. Using Gouin Series in Making Instructional Media

Gouin Series is a strategy to put the actions with the same person and tense throughout into six to eight short statements describing a sequence of actions with specific context, such as cooking a meal, using a library, and also making crafts for instructional media. The following series are materials to make crafts for instructional media.
1. Playdough
1 cup of flour
½ cup salt
¼ cup water with food coloring
5 tablespoons cooking oil
How to make it:
Mix all ingredients together and then knead the dough. Store in plastic bag.
Using Gouin Series in making playdough:
1. I prepare all the materials.
2. I prepare all the supporting items.
3. I put 1 cup of flour into the bowl.
4. I add it with ½ cup of salt
5. I pour ¼ cup of water with food coloring
6. I pour 5 tablespoons of cooking oil
7. I knead the dough
8. I store the playdough in a plastic bag.

2. Paperbag Puppet
• Paper bags
• Scraps of construction paper
• Glue
• Scissors
• Markers or crayons
• Optional - googly eyes, pipe cleaners for whiskers
How to make it:
1. Fold the two square edges of a paper bag to form the animal's head.
2. Cut out ears, eyes, and a nose. Glue them to the raccoon's face. Cut out ears, eyes, a nose, and a tongue. Glue the tongue inside the mouth. Glue the eyes, nose, and ears to the dog's face. Cut out ears, eyes, and paws. Glue them to the bear. Using a black crayon or marker, draw a nose and mouth. Cut out tiny claws and glue then to the paws.
Using Gouin Series to Make Papperbag Puppet:
1. I prepare all materials.
2. I take the paperbag.
3. I Fold the two square edges of a paper bag to form the animal's head.
4. I cut out ears, eyes, and a nose.
5. I glue ears, eyes, and nose to the animal’s face.
6. I put my hand into the puppet to tell story.

The following is the materials of making The Very Hungry Catepillar Egg Carton. Pay attention to the materials dan how to make it. Then arrange the making of The Very Hungry Catepillar Egg Carton using gouin series.

paint, paint brushes, glue, construction paper,
pipe cleaners, cotton balls, and egg cartons
How to make it:
First, cut the egg cartons into sections of three. Next, glue the egg carton to a sheet of construction paper. Then paint the egg carton. Allow the carton to dry. Next, glue some cotton balls to the top of the carton. Place two pipe cleaners into the front of the egg carton.
Draw on eyes and a face.
Using Gouin Series to make The Very Hungry Catepillar Egg Carton:
1. I prepare all materials.
Practice and use it as instructional media in class.

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